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  • Writer's pictureMarion Bazzoli

Ecology: useful resources

Useful resources on ecology and the environment - French Vegan Translator
Useful resources on ecology and the environment - French Vegan Translator

Lately, I’ve been learning more and more about the environment, climate change and all in-between.

Mind you: I didn’t ‘forget’ about veganism! It is and will always be an essential part of my life - both personally and professionally. But since the release of IPCC’s first working group assessment in August 2021, I have been feeling appalled (hi, eco-anxiety!) and as if, unlike what I thought, I didn’t know a thing about all the issues around climate change/collapse/the Anthropocene and so on.

For those of you it may interest, I have compiled a list of resources; most I already read/listened to, and others in my “to-do list”, from popularising work to more specialised references.

I hope you will learn tons of stuff; if you can recommend other resources, just let me know 🌍

[P.S. as I find new resources, I will add them here, so feel free to keep an eye on this list!]


- Les limites de la croissance (The Limits to Growth) - a.k.a. the Meadows report, by Donella Meadows, Dennis Meadows and Jørgen Randers

Currently reading:

- Tout comprendre (ou presque) sur le climat, by Bonpote (Thomas Wagner), Anne Brès and Claire Marc


- Synthesis reports of IPCC’s 6th assessment report (Group I, II and II)

- Yggdrasil, a magazine about the collapse of our civilisation and how to develop adaptation/resilience, with many different approaches (N.B. its publication is finished; there are in total 10 issues)

- Comment tout peut s’effondrer - How Everything Can Collapse, by Pablo Servigne and Raphaël Stevens

- L’entraide, l’autre loi de la jungle (French only), by Pablo Servigne and Gauthier Chapelle

- Une autre fin du monde est possible (French only), by Pablo Servigne, Raphaël Stevens and Gauthier Chapelle

- Adaptation radicale - Deep Adaptation, by Jem Bendell

Ongoing reading:

- Bon Pote’s website, scientific vulgarisation (and yet really thorough and complete)

- Notre planète, a media about the environment, ecology and Earth science

- Environmental News Network, a media whose mission is to “inform, educate, enable and create a platform for global environmental action”


- Une fois que tu sais… qu’est-ce qu’on fait ? (Once you know), a documentary in which we follow its director, Emmanuel Cappellin, searching for answers to the question “Once you know… what do you do?”

- Notre planète - Our Planet, a series of documentaries by David Attenborough

Ongoing watching:

- Sur le front, a series of documentaries by Hugo Clément


- Dernières limites, vulgarisation podcast with interviews, by Audrey Boehly

On social media:

- Twitter account of Dr Valérie Masson-Delmotte (@valmasdel), climate scientist and co-chair of IPCC’s working group I

- Bon Pote (who I mentioned above) is also very active on most social media

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