Translation Samples
You can find some examples of translation works I did (click on the images to see the samples). If you need further information or would prefer me to translate a sample of your project, contact me and tell me all about you and your needs.
Translation - English → French
Blog post: article on fashion for men
This sample presents an English into French translation of part of a blog post on fashion for men.
It shows the need to step slightly aside from the original copy to have a clear, fluid French text.
Translation - English → French
Article on Wikipedia
This sample presents an English into French translation for Wikipedia. It is an article on the French Vegetarian Society.
It shows the need to be careful when adapting the hypertext. Indeed, it is necessary to enter the links to the French pages (when they exist) instead of the English ones, which would be irrelevant for a French-speaking audience.
Translation - Italian → French
Tourism/travel website: article on the Apulia region
This sample presents an Italian into French translation of part of an article for a website on travel and tourism in Italy.
It shows the creativity needed in this kind of text, where we want to reach the reader. In this case, they should feel like they travel when reading the article.
Marion Bazzoli
Feel free to contact me and include the file to translate at
Available from Monday to Friday, 9.30 to 6.30 (GMT +1)
Established as a micro-entreprise in Aix-en-Provence, France
SIRET number: 797 722 741 00056
VAT number: FR 46 797 722 741
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