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  • Writer's pictureMarion Bazzoli

Best reads of October

French Vegan Translator: best reads of October (Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash)
French Vegan Translator: Best Reads of October (Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash)

Here is a subjective list of this month’s top news and articles for vegan businesses and beyond. Enjoy your reading!

The newly launched European Alliance for Plant-based Foods asks EU to focus on plant-based foods.

According to a new study, the demand for cultured meat in France and German is increasing.

Compare Ethics published a free report entitled “Building Consumer Trust in Sustainability”.

According to Google trends, researches about veganism are booming!

Vegan France Interpro and the International Biocyclic Vegan Network have created a map (see that lists vegan organic farms across Europe.

The German organisation ProVeg International started a petition (that you can sign here to state their refusal to forbid terms like ”burgers”, “sausages” etc. when referring to plant-based products in the EU.

…while Tofurky sues Louisiana, where a similar ban recently passed.

Euronews wonders why the vegan community counts more women than men.

Ted launched Countdown, an online global initiate on climate change.

A book written by the director of Vegan Interior Design explains how to create a 100% vegan interior.

The future is now: lab-grown materials for fashion and design.

Did you notice any other relevant article this past month? Let me know in the comments!🌱



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